ECO BRICK EB220 -SKU/Item Number: EB220
ECO BRICK EB220 blocks for above ground level superstructures are usually manufactured to an approximate compressive strength of a 4 MPa with a 1:10 cement: soil mix ratio. Adding higher cement ratio makes higher compressive strength blocks of +7Mpa.
Measures between 220 and 240 mm long X 220mm wide X 115 mm deep, and has beveled / champhered edges. Block length is controlled by soil / cement load and moisture content.
37-38 blocks of 230 mm length are required per sq. m of 9″ walling and 165 – 170 blocks may be required per cu.m of 9″ walling.
ECOBRICKCONDUIT BLOCK also measures same as Standard Block with provision for conduit and horizontal reinforcement applications in Earth Quake resistant construction applications.
External walls/Fencing/Load bearing constructions Interior/Partition Walls/Framed Construction.
- Interlocking Blocks save on Mortar & Plaster cost
- High Finish Design & Aesthetics
- Speedier Construction
- Simplicity of Use
- Cost Efficient
- High Quality Product
- Environment Friendly – No Burning of Bricks required