Eco Bricks EB150 and 150c
Measures between 220 and 240 mm long X 150 mm wide X 115 mm deep, and has beveled / champhered edges. Block length is controlled by soil / cement load and moisture content.
37-38 blocks of 230 mm length are required per sq. m of 9″ walling and 165 – 170 blocks may be required per cu.m of 6″ walling. When used with reinforced concrete columns EB150 is suitable for infilling.
External walls/Fencing/Non Load bearing constructions Interior/Partition Walls/Framed Construction.
- Interlocking Blocks save on Mortar & Plaster cost
- High Finish Design & Aesthetics
- Speedier Construction
- Simplicity of Use
- Cost Efficient
- High Quality Product
- Environment Friendly – No Burning of Bricks required